You didn't get to where you are in your career by accident…you got their by God's grace and your skills!

Having a business is the same! It requires a certain set of skills and that's what you learn in this course

Ready to Learn!
  • You may have tried to step out of your comfort zone and tried pitching but no one seems to be listening to you. 
  • With so many courses available, you realize that it's hard because there are so many conflicting opinions on what you should do 
  • You don’t know how to network and market your service business in order to land clients who are willing to pay you rates that you deserve.
  • You agree that all the advice seems too complicated even if it is broken down into steps and you need someone who you can talk to in case you feel lost.

It's easy to feel lost and alone when you're trying to figure out how to start a business. There are so many freebies, courses, and groups available, but it's hard to know which ones are worth your time. And even if you do find the right resources, it can be tough to make your business take off. 

If you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start when it comes to starting your own business, I’m here for you. This free challenge will teach you the skills you need to create opportunities like:

  • Have products and services that are in demand
  • Reach the people God has called you to serve
  • An influx of clients
  • Enjoy new sales on a monthly basis
  • Make enough to cover expenses and pay yourself
  • Expand your brand
  • Be featured in magazines, podcasts and tv

Wealthy Woman Mindset

It's not until we fully step into the full authority God has given us to create and build wealth that we can really build the business and life of our dreams. During the 1st day of the challenge, you'll learn how to create the Mindset of the Wealthy Woman.

Millionaire Network

Who you know matters! Building a business requires you expand your circle. In the 2nd day of the challenge, you'll learn the importance of getting uncomfortable and how to easily grow who you know!

Magnetic Marketing Systems

Moses had people he was called to serve. So did Joseph. So do you! On the 3rd day of the challenge, you'll learn how to build, grow and nurture an audience so you can reach the people God has called you to serve and create opportunities so they want to work with you!

Purposed Profits

You deserve to be paid well for your services. It takes the right kind of sales system in place to create a stream of people who want to work with you. That's what you learn how to do in Day 4 of the challenge.

The Freedom Life

Working to build a business where you work all the time and still don't have time for your family, ministry, and yourself, is not the move. On Day 5, you learn the skills you need to build a business AND life that supports your desires!

The skills you'll learn about in this challenge will help you:

  • Feel confident
  • Feel like you're walking in your purpose
  • Have a deep sense of fulfillment
  • Enjoy more travel
  • Enjoy more time with family
  • Lots of testimonials of people who you helped
  • Enjoy having no more debt
  • Enjoy having extra money every month
  • feel more secure and excitement of speaking on stage

Get Instant Access!

for only $129

  • Skills to Prosper Course - Lifetime Access to Trainings ($500)
  • Skills to Prosper Workbook ($100)
  • Wealthy Christian Woman Meditation ($100)
  • BONUS: Private Goal Setting Session - Virtual ($299)

Total Value = Over $900

Sign Me Up!

I went from running a non-profit I started that only made $500 in 3 years (well $535 in 3 years) to running a successful business that allows me to travel all over the world when I desire (and work from home as much as I want.). It allowed me to quit my daytime job, get published by Forbes, the Huffington Post and publish 2 Amazon bestsellers.

My Mission: I have help other women just like you create online programs and grow their business. One example is Karissa Littlejohn who was able to leave her job and work in her business full-time after seven months in my program.

I created this challenge because I see so many Christian women struggle to create sustainable income in their business. They think it's them but the truth is its just their lack of skills. This challenge will educate them on exactly what they NEED to know to build a business that allows them to create financial abundance doing what they have been called to do!